Monday, October 6, 2008

Just rambling...

Purple - good color. It's one of my best friends' favorite colors. Warning - if you're going to finish reading this particular post, don't expect anything close to making sense... Lots of those, the "..." thingys... which are pretty cool if you use them. I like them a lot.. they're that unspoken "pause" in writing that can't always be taken.... see? wasn't that pefect?

Ever watch that tv show "Chuck"? I love it - he's such a cutie!! He's vulnerable, goofy, and stumbley... in such an original way that he makes it fun to be a geek! Course, I am a bit of a nerd... My office uses me as the grammar police - they ask me to proof-read some of their stuff every now and then. I know that makes my mom proud.... realizing I could still diagram a complex sentence properly. How sad is that? Extremely, and I know it - and my honey still loves me anyways!! Really, she doesn't have any room to talk since she does mathmatical equations in her head to make herself go to sleep!!! I'm not that bad!!

What about beer? I used to not be any type of a beer drinker... that used to be my sign. If I was drinking beer - friends were drawing straws to see who was holding my hair back while praying to the porcelin goddess later that night (or morning if it was that bad!) Now, I dunno - they say your taste buds change as you get older, right? My latest favorite is Corona Light - 2 limes. YUMMERS! And, it makes spastic legs soooo much easier to deal with.

I probably should be headed off to bed now - I've gotta be at work very early tomorrow morning. UGH! See ya latro!


Finding the Happy said...

Me likes the purple!!!!!

I have a it only Corona Light with 2 limes that makes the spastic leg less spastic or will any booze do the trick?

Joan said...

I so in love with CHUCK!!

Kimberly said...

Personally, I've found a good sized shot of Petrone Silver FOLLOWED by a Corona with 2 limes does wonders for my spastic legs! LOL

MS. ME said...

I'm cheap - but not that cheap! : p Corona Light w/2 limes is awesome but Kimberly's got the right idear as well!!! Not just any booze!

Ryan Duran said...

Very thoughtfull blog